
How do you keep a memory alive?

I posted a photo on Facebook tonight that has stuck in my mind.

It was a photo of Boo helping make meatballs which took me back to memories of Nonnie.

Nonnie has been gone for a bit over a year now. A long year in some ways... in others seems like yesterday we still had her. We all have our memories of her and we all talk of her regularly.

The thing is, I want Boo to keep her memories. I want her to remember who she was. She still talks of her every now and then, but I am worried in time, it will become less and less.

I want to keep talking of her, I want to go through all our photos regularly and tell Boo all of the stories and experiences we had. I want to keep her memories alive.

Is it possible? Can you help a child hold on to the few memories that they have while growing up?

I really hope I can.

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