
They make life easier... Thankful Thursday!

My parents. They make my life easier. I am so thankful for them.

Today was "go back to the old house and make it pretty for the new owners" day. It was so draining for me as I really have already left that part of my life behind and moved on.

My mum, I picked her up at 8.30am, we drove an hour and half through peak our traffic with the two babes who really didn't feel like being in the car.

She helped me clean, she made sure we all ate and occupied Boo & Ace so we could get the job done and get out of there as quick as possible.

We didn't get home until 5pm. The babes cried all the way home. It was not fun.... another laugh or I'll cry day perhaps?

We arrived back at Ma & Pa's house at 5pm, we go inside, babes still feral.... we were over it.

Pa had made me a dinner to a) take home and serve to Dad'n or b) make the call to Dad'n to tell him to make a detour on the way home from work and we could eat dinner there. I chose option b). It was so yum. It was so easy.

Just one day of so many that they make my life easier.

Very thankful.

Linking it up with KateSaysStuff today!

1 comment:

  1. Bless them, your parents are fabulous <3

    Cannot believe you are totally esconced in your new life already! Talk about meant to be :)

