
If this ain't dedication....

I have eaten clean on my birthday!

No cake.

No sweets.

No party food.

No champagne.

We got take away Chinese for dinner and prawns with vegetables is as bad as it got.

No prawn crackers.

No rice.

Ahhhh... I'm proud!

Yes it was my birthday and I would have happily indulged in a treat or two but it just so happened that it fell right on the day before weigh in.... I was not willing to risk disappointment tomorrow morning when I launch onto those scales for a few moments of food bliss. I have worked to hard for that.

So, yet again, another red flag proven to be a walk in the park! Go me!

1 comment:

  1. Well done! You gave yourself the best present ever - a no regrets dinner and a feeling of great accomplishment! Happy birthday too!
