
My first "Thankful Thursday" linking it up with KateSaysStuff

For quite some time now, I have followed the blogging journey of a particular lovely lady... and by following, I really mean stalking quietly in the back round, reading all her posts (as you do).

This lady & I go way back... way back to Tupperware days... and even back then she inspired me to want to drive a pink tupper truck! Didn't get there.... but you get my drift ;) She was an awesome manager!

This certain lovely person is KateSaysStuff. She is the one that has actually inspired me to start my blog so Kate, this thankful thursday is for you!

I'm thankful for you helping me into the blogging world :) Very early days yet but so addicted already... Imagine that.



  1. Hooray you did it :)

    And awww thankyou Steph *blush*.

    You know I still miss the Tuppertruck sometimes, although I couldn't fit all my kids in one these days anyway ;)


  2. ahhh bless!!
    ps pink tupper truck ha ha ha ha haaaa

  3. I love it when I see one on the road! hahaha

  4. Haha - I think Kate is awesome as well! And I have NEVER met her! She must be pretty cool.... Welcome to the blogosphere!
