
The begining. 12WBT style.

A couple of girls i know did a 12 week challenge last year. They showed their before and after pics and oh.my.god! Their results were truly amazing. Like complete body transformations! During their 12 week journey I followed along side them, doing my own weight loss thing but their results were completely kicking bum over mine!

It got me thinking...Maybe I should be doing this??? Maybe I could get results like these girls??? This is where Miss Negative Nancy jumps right into my thought process putting her two bob in... Hell no, you wont be able to do it... you will just fall off the wagon blah..blah..blahhh. Curiosity was definitely stirring in my head though, so I jumped on the 12WBT Facie page and read some of their members stories. Before i knew it, the switch had flicked and I had decided to join up and kick some serious weight loss & fitness bum with the 12WBT

What is it? Its a weight loss / fitness / well being program that is based on line via a website, forum and emails, run by Michelle Bridges (The Biggest Loser trainer). It includes 4 weeks preseason, which prepares you for your 12 week challenge.

I'm doing it! It's not going to be easy... The two babes don't make my life the most exercise friendly, between sleep deprivation and tantrums, I'm still going to kill it though... Wish me luck!


  1. You go girl!!! I was going to do Couch 2 5k! Starting 1st Jan... until I decided I don't like running or being outside in the heat :P

    So that went out the window..

    I have lost 15 kilos over the last 6 months - no exercise - just healthy eating.
    my friend is trying to convince me to get rid of my junk in the trunk that I should exercise.. but I am lazy.. i hate exercise. I hate sweating

    1. Finally this silly reply box has let me "reply"!

      Well done on the 15kg, awesome effort with no exercise! Jealous! I heard a stat the other day you might like then if you dont like exercise ;) weight loss is 80% nutrition / 20% exercise.

      I've managed to lose 10kg since Ace was a couple of months old but I really have lost my exercise mojo. FX 12 WBT helps me find it!

